
從原料選別到產品包裝之過程完全符合衛生要求,革新傳統蜜餞、泡菜及醬菜的製法,其所具備之「安全、衛生、健康」的特性是CAS 優良醃漬蔬果提供消費者的最大保障!

CAS 醃漬蔬果的產品種類包括:

  1. 蜜餞
  2. 泡菜
  3. 醃漬蔬菜
  4. 醬菜


  1. 選擇外觀自然、衛生安全的產品,最好是包裝袋上有CAS標章者。
  2. 選擇包裝完整密封且無破損者。
  3. 選擇產品標示完整者,同時注意有效期限,保存條件是否適當。產品標示應包括:
    1. 品名
    2. 成分
    3. 淨重
    4. 食品添加物名稱
    5. 有效日期
    6. 製造商或代理商之名稱、地址、電話
    7. 保存條件
    8. 營養標示
  4. 消費者購回保存時,應依包裝上標示,置陰涼通風處保持乾燥或冷藏保存。
  5. 產品若經拆封,應儘速食用完畢;市面上部份包裝使用夾鏈袋,開封後,可以夾鏈封好置陰涼通風且乾燥處保存。



CAS 蜜餞保證產品之品質及衛生,採用新鮮質優的國產鮮果為原料,注重產品之安全性,並強調產品交到消費者手中皆為完整之包裝。因此經過CAS 標章驗證之優良蜜餞具備如下之特色:

  1. 不添加糖精(saccharin)及甜精(cyclomate)。
  2. 不在地面露天曝曬,而以日曬屋或乾燥室取代。
  3. 包裝妥善密封,標示正確完整。


CAS High Quality Preserved Fruits and Vegetables

CAS high quality preserved fruits and vegetables include preserved fruits and pickled vegetables. They are orientated to have healthy consciousness of being natural, low in sugar and sodium content, and possess three major characteristics of (1)having no artificial colorants, saccharin or cyclamate are added, (2)no open-air drying is conducted in the process, airtight package and (3)properly labeled. From the ingredient selection to the packaging procedure, the entire process is in accordance with sanitary requirement. Traditional fruit and vegetable preservation methods have been revolutionized, hence the characteristics of Safety, Hygiene, and Healthy are the greatest guarantee consumers could have obtained by consuming CAS high quality preserved fruits and vegetables.

Characteristics of CAS High Quality Preserved Fruits

CAS high quality preserved fruits guarantee the quality and hygiene of the products, paying attention to the safety of the products, and emphasizing the packages should keep intact during the distribution of the products to consumers. Thus, the high quality preserved fruits accredited CAS logo should have the following characteristics:

  1. No artificial colorants, saccharin or cyclamate are added.
  2. Green rooms or drying chamber have replaced open-air drying methods to make the products more hygienic.
  3. Intact and airtight package with accurate and proper labeling.

Major products:

Candied Kumquat; Chin Hsuan prune; Crisp plums; Dried sweet prune; pickled vegetables etc.