



  1. 冷藏米飯類:如冷藏肉粽、油飯,以及冷藏燴飯、炒飯等。
  2. 冷藏米麵點類:如麵類製品、米血糕、碗糕、蘿蔔糕、廣式點心 等。
  3. 冷藏蛋醬類:如沙拉醬、美乃滋、蛋豆腐等。
  4. 冷藏即時菜餚類:如生菜沙拉、袋煮濃湯、菜餚等
  5. 冷藏醃製蔬果類:如醃漬薑、醃漬牛蒡等。
  6. 冷藏素食類製品:如素菜餚、素火鍋料、素肉堡等。
  7. 冷藏餡料製品:如包子餡、水餃餡等。
  8. 冷藏組合食材製品:如冷藏醬爆雞丁食材。


  1. 選擇信譽廠商生產者,最好是有CAS標章者。
  2. 選擇冷藏展示櫃管理良好的販賣店購買。
    1. 冷藏櫃的溫度應保持在7℃以下,且產品不呈凍結狀態者。
    2. 冷藏展示櫃內產品應堆放整齊,不應超越最大裝載線,且預留冷風循環空間。
  3. 選擇包裝密封良好且有完整標示者。優良冷藏調理食品之產品標示應包括:
    1. 品名
    2. 內容物(原料)名稱
    3. 內容物淨重及數量
    4. 食品添加物名稱
    5. 食用前是否須加熱
    6. 製造工廠的名稱、地址及電話與(或)代理商名稱、住址及電話
    7. 有效日期
    8. 保存條件
    9. 使用說明
    10. 消費者服務電話


  1. 衛生安全,絕不添加防腐劑
    CAS冷藏調理食品強調的是利用食品加工時【溫度/ 時間】的管理與微生物控制技術,並在儲運及販賣期間嚴格要求7℃以下、凍結點以上的產品溫度控制,來達到降低食品中微生物生長繁殖的目的,所以嚴格要求不得添加任何防腐劑,便能達到食品保鮮的功能,以確保消費者食用的衛生與安全。
  2. 保存食物原有的風味
  3. 方便調理、即可食用


CAS High Quality Chilled Prepared Foods

CAS high quality chilled prepared foods use various fresh and high quality agricultural, marine and poultry products as raw materials. After proper pre-treatments, compound, composing and packaging, the foods are sterilized shortly at 75℃, then chilled quickly to 7℃ or below and maintained at this temperature during storage, transportation, sale processes

The Items of CAS High Quality Chilled Prepared Foods

There are a large number of items in chilled prepared foods category. Chilled prepared foods can be produced from agricultural, marine, poultry products, and also from vegetables, eggs dairy products by using chilling and processing techniques, thus provide the customers with Freshness, Hygiene, and Safety choices. Currently, the items available include:
1. Chilled rice products: chilled fried rice, chilled assorted rice, and chilled sticky rice products etc.
2. Chilled rice and wheat flour products: chilled radish cake, chilled Cantonese dim sum, chilled rice cakes etc.
3. Chilled sauces with egg: chilled salad dressing, chilled mayonnaise, chilled bean curd with egg etc.
4. Chilled ready-to-serve dishes: chilled green salad, chilled pouch-boiled soup, chilled dishes etc.
5. Chilled preserved or pickled fruits and vegetables: chilled pickled ginger, chilled pickled burdock etc.

Characteristics of CAS High Quality Chilled Prepared Foods

1. Hygiene and safety, no additives added
CAS high quality chilled prepared foods emphasize the management of Temperature/ Time and the microbial control techniques during the processing. They are also maintained at 7℃ and below, but above the freezing point of the water in order to control the growth and multiplication of the microorganisms, thus the freshness of foods could be attained without the addition of preservatives.
2. The original nutrients, color, flavor and taste of the foods are retained.
3. Easy to be cooked and ready for serve.